Learn Corporate Treasury step-by-step - From the Corporate Treasury 101 podcast

We break down Corporate Treasury concepts, and interview amazing people.

All the Episodes

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Treasury Career Series Mike Richards

Listen to our complete series of 4 episodes with Mike Richards on the Treasury roles and careers, from youn graduate to Group Treasurers

Click here to listen to our series with Mike!
New to Treasury? Start here

Here is our recommendation on where to start if you know (close to) nothing about Treasury!

Click here if you are New here!

Seen with:

Here are some amazing companies we collaborated with:

About us

Hussam & Guillaume

It all started with an engineering project manager asking a treasury consultant questions about… You guessed it, Treasury!

We now interview amazing Treasury Professionals, spread the Treasury word and learn together!

Here are a few interviews with amazing guests

You are feeling lucky and want to listen to a fun and insightful episode? Here is and few hand-picked interviews just for you!
Disclaimer, the interviews not displayed in this section also are with amazing guests, check out the full list to discover more

How to Define a Credit Rating?

Click here to learn more about Credit Ratings, the process to define a credit rating and ESG factors in Credit Ratings with Fitch Ratings Managing Director Alex Griffiths! 

Should you Actually get a Treasury Certification?

Click here to listen to a masterpiece on Treasury Certifications with Chris van Dijl ; whether we need it, in which cases and the best tips and trick to pay for and pass a Treasury Certification. 

What is Treasury Future Proofing?

Lee-Ann Perkins has over 19 years of treasury management experience in various industries and markets, she is a versatile and passionate financial services professional who strives to enhance the treasury function and its value to the organization. 

Blog posts

Not a fan of the podcast format? We got you covered. All our episodes are transformed into a friendly article, where you can find all the great insights from our guests (and Guillaume sometimes…)

The Importance of Commodity Risk Management for Companies

Welcome to Corporate Treasury 101! If you are new here, you will probably want to read our free eBook to understand what Corporate Treasury is, and what Treasury departments are[…]

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Building a Culture of Gender Equity in Corporate Treasury

In today’s fast-paced financial world, the role of corporate treasury is evolving. Alongside this shift, the push for gender equity in corporate treasury is becoming a vital topic. Fiona Caheny,[…]

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How Supply Chain Technology Simplifies Procurement and Treasury

In today’s business landscape, companies must manage their spending effectively to stay competitive. Organizations increasingly turn to technology to streamline procurement and improve financial operations. This makes Business Spend Management[…]

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